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Build a Leprechaun Trap

By Kyrie Collins ~ MK Publisher Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock, CO March 15, 2012

Leprechauns are notorious troublemakers. Last year, we woke to discover that a leprechaun had snuck in to our house and tossed my boys' shoes all over their room. It was quite a mess, but the leprechaun made up for it by leaving a couple of games for them. This year, we are going to catch a leprechaun and make him take us to his pot of gold. How do you catch a leprechaun? With a Leprechaun Trap, of course!

What you need:

  • A shoe box
  • Wrapping paper, tissue paper, or construction paper in various shades of green
  • Gold and a pot to put it in
  • Craft sticks, paper, and a marker to make a sign
  • Glue and tape
What you do:

Wrap the shoe box with green paper. We used tissue paper around the box because it is thin and folds easily, and we used wrapping paper for inside. Cut out some four-leaf clovers to decorate the inside and outside of the box. Add your pot of gold. We used double-sided tape to adhere a muffin baking cup to the box and then added gold Mardi Gras beads. You could also use foil-wrapped chocolate coins, Rolo candy, or Hershey's Almond Kisses for the gold. Since leprechauns love gold, make a sign to entice them. Put double-sided tape all around the pot of gold so when the leprechaun tries to steal the gold, he'll get stuck! 
For more Leprechaun Trap ideas, visit Disney's Family Fun website, About.com's Family Crafts section, or simply enter "leprechaun traps" into a search engine.